How can I create an NFT ?

You have to create a collection before creating an NFT. An NFT cannot be created if there is no any collection. Once you have a collection you can create/mint an NFT under it.

​​To create NFT you can click on "Create " button on navigation menu or click "Create New NFT" on collection page.


During creating NFT you have to :

1. choose the collection that your NFT will belong to;

2. choose minimum one category from the dropdown list;

3. set a name for your NFT;

4. choose the type of your asset (Image , Video or Music);

5. if you create an NFT in multicollection - write the number of NFTs you want to create for the same artwork in the field of "NFT count in the batch (1,2,5,10)” .

And optionally you can:

6. write a description about your NFT;

7. add an external URL of your collection;

8. define a Royalty amount which is the crypto payout for you as a creator in case of secondary sales of your NFT;

9. define additional attributes to differentiate an NFT, such as background, body parts, other people involved in creating the NFT (designer, originator, model etc.).​

When NFT is created, it is seen under the collection.

Last updated